Gut Feelings: Nourishing Your Body for Digestive Health
Gut Feelings: Nourishing Your Body for Digestive Health
Given the high prevalence of gut health issues, affecting seven out of every ten individuals in urban India, it’s essential to reach out to a qualified dietician if facing digestive discomfort

The sensations we colloquially term as “gut feelings” are those intuitive impulses we sense within our abdomen, often intertwined with our emotions or primal instincts. However, beyond this figurative understanding, gut feelings also hold a tangible connection to our digestive well-being. The digestive system, often referred as the “second brain,” constitutes a sophisticated network of organs tasked with the intricate processes of food breakdown, nutrient absorption, and waste elimination.

Simrat Kathuria, CEO and Head Dietitian, The Diet Xperts, says, “Maintaining a well-balanced diet abundant in fiber, probiotics, and prebiotics is imperative for nurturing the gut microbiome, which comprises a diverse community of bacteria and other microorganisms residing in our intestines. These microorganisms serve pivotal roles in facilitating digestion, bolstering immune function, and even regulating mood.”

Thus, incorporating a varied selection of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fermented foods fosters a rich and diverse microbiome, thereby promoting optimal digestive health. “On the flip side, indulging in processed foods, excessive sugar, and artificial additives can disturb the delicate balance of the gut microbiota, exacerbating digestive problems such as bloating, gas, and inflammation,” adds Kathuria.

Remarkably, lifestyle habits like regular exercise, adequate sleep, and stress reduction techniques such as meditation or mindfulness can exert a positive influence on digestion and overall gut health. Kathuria opines, “By cultivating awareness of how various foods and activities impact our bodies, we empower ourselves to make informed choices that enhance digestive wellness. Crucially, attuning ourselves to subtle cues and heeding our bodies’ signals enables us to identify potential food sensitivities or intolerances, allowing for a personalized approach to dietary adjustments.”

Given the high prevalence of gut health issues, affecting seven out of every ten individuals in urban India, it’s essential to reach out to a qualified dietician or healthcare professional if facing digestive discomfort. “Making digestive wellness a priority through personalized dietary adjustments, lifestyle tweaks, and seeking expert advice can greatly enhance overall well-being and elevate the quality of life,” signs off Kathuria.

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