Follow These 7 Skin Tips To Prevent Acne And Dullness In Menstruation
Follow These 7 Skin Tips To Prevent Acne And Dullness In Menstruation
Elevated levels of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone among others, can increase oil production and lead to breakouts.

During periods, a woman’s body experiences various changes, including stomach aches, bloating and hormonal fluctuations. These changes can affect the skin too, causing dullness and acne. Elevated levels of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone among others, can increase oil production and lead to breakouts. While the changes cannot be prevented, there are steps you can take to minimise their effect on your skin.

Here are some tips to help manage your skin effectively during your menstrual cycle:

Wash Your Face Regularly

Breakouts during periods are very common. To manage them, wash your face twice daily with lukewarm water and a mild salicylic acid face wash to help prevent bacteria. Additionally, dab your face with a tissue twice a day to blot excess sebum. This extra step can help reduce the risk of acne.

It is best to avoid makeup

During your periods, it’s best to either completely avoid wearing makeup or minimise its use to allow your skin to breathe. To help rejuvenate your skin, consider using natural remedies such as turmeric, milk cream, homemade masks and fruit peels. Organic substances such as yogurt, eggs, papaya and avocado can also help maintain your skin’s natural glow. If you need to wear makeup during the day, make sure to cleanse your face thoroughly before bed. In case you spend most of your time outdoors due to work, don’t forget to apply sunscreen as your skin may be more sensitive to sun exposure during this time.

Hydration is important

Skin gets dry and flaky during this time. Regular intake of water can help detoxify your skin, preventing acne. Natural substances such as cucumber and honey are also effective in reducing acne symptoms and act as a natural antiseptic giving your skin a healthy glow.

Eat food rich in antioxidants

Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin E and antioxidant-rich foods are perfect for your skin during periods. They help keep the skin supple and moisturised, reduce inflammation and improve circulation. Include flax seeds, fish, vegetable oils, almonds and seeds in your diet. Berries and plums are also high in antioxidants.

Exercise for 30 minutes

Exercising is not only great for weight reduction but also helps achieve a post-period glow and reduces period cramps. Increased blood flow will nourish your skin cells and help flush out toxins. Exercising for at least 30 minutes will also help keep your hormones balanced.

Dietary choices

Limit your dairy and sugar intake during this time as it can make your acne worse. While you don’t need to avoid them entirely, reducing their consumption may benefit your skin.

Opt for a facial

Schedule your facial 10-12 days before your period starts. Your skin is at its best before this time and more vulnerable afterwards. With larger pores, cleansing is easier and there’s less risk of damage.

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