Consume Only 5 Grams Of Salt Per Day To Reduce Risk Of Heart Disease: WHO
Consume Only 5 Grams Of Salt Per Day To Reduce Risk Of Heart Disease: WHO
WHO asks people to consume only iodised salt.

Doctors have always advised to reduce salt intake to prevent problems like high blood pressure and heart disease. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), an estimated 1.89 million deaths occur annually due to excess sodium consumption. Reducing sodium intake is one of the most cost-effective ways to improve health and lowers the possibility of cardiovascular disease and its associated costs. As per the report, adults consume 10.78 grams of salt daily. It is equal to two teaspoons. However, the WHO recommends less than 5 grams of salt per day for adults. The current consumption is twice the healthy amount, as listed by WHO. Every adult should take only one teaspoon in their daily diet.

Children aged 2-15 should consume less than one teaspoon of salt. However, this recommendation does not address children during the period of exclusive breastfeeding or complementary feeding with continued breastfeeding. Regarding the type of salt intake, WHO asks people to consume iodised salt only. It is essential for healthy brain development in the foetus. It also optimises people’s mental function in general. You can reduce sodium intake by eating fresh and minimally processed foods. You should choose low-sodium products. The sodium level should be less than 120 mg. While cooking food, people must cook with little or no salt. Rather than using sodium, you can also use herbs and spices to flavour your food. Apart from this, limit the use of commercial sauces, dressings and instant products. WHO also asks to limit the consumption of processed foods.

Recently, a Japanese study revealed that daily consumption of more than 10 grams of common salt raises the risk of stomach cancer. These risks rise as the daily salt intake increases. A study on rats was done, which revealed that more salt exposure to the stomach can cause cancer by mutating the stomach lining. After this, several studies from China, America and Spain confirmed the same. We must consume less than 5 grams of salt in a normal diet. Adding too much salt can also alter the taste.

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