Why Cleaning is Proving to be a Big Problem for Water Crisis & What You Can Do about It
Why Cleaning is Proving to be a Big Problem for Water Crisis & What You Can Do about It
Given that the country is on the verge of an acute water crisis, we must check on how much water we are wasting in one day while cleaning things.

We are all for the famous proverb, 'cleanliness is next to godliness'. After all, nobody likes a dirty house, stained utensils, a smudged up car or showing up unkempt to a boardroom meeting. Cleanliness is a must and we must attend to it. But it's time we ask ourselves an essential question: what is cleanliness costing us? It is costing us a lot of water. And given that the country is on the verge of an acute water crisis, we must check on how much water we are wasting in one day while cleaning things.

Smart-clean Your Vehicles:

Yes, we need clean vehicles, but that doesn’t mean we run high powered garden hose and blast our bike and cars with water because, believe it or not, the process uses around 37 litres per minute. One bucket or two is more than sufficient for a bike or a car. Wet a rag and wipe the vehicle clean. You could also opt for car cleaning services that recycle water. Another way is to simply dust your vehicle regularly to not let dirt and grime settle on it.

Clean Less, Save More

Homes are huge, and mopping them every day is a mammoth waste of water. Yes, your domicile needs to be clean. But try and alternate between sweeping and mopping. Sweep for two days, mop the third day. And so on. Also ration your buckets of water. Use standing mops that reuse dirty water. Don’t just unload buckets of water in your walkway, compound or terrace. Keep it conservative!

Opt for Low-flow Taps

About 20 to 30 per cent water wasted in households is in the kitchen. Washing utensils is a huge culprit. Try and get aerators for your kitchen taps that cut down on the amount of water drastically. Try and soak the dirty utensils with stubborn stains so that you don’t waste more water getting them off later. Low-flow taps are also a good way to curb the amount of water going down the drain.

Say No to Long Showers

You can’t avoid bathing, but you can definitely avoid taking long showers. Love singing in the bathroom? Pick a song that you like and its duration as a timer. Finish your bath by the time you finish the song. You can also opt for bucket baths instead of overhead showers and help ration out the amount you use.

It’s time to clean up your act and contribute towards a cause that affects one and all: water conservation. Do your bit by joining the Harpic-News18 Mission Paani initiative and spread awareness regarding the water crisis that we all need to curb together.

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