London: It seems that 50 is the golden age of happiness, for a new study has found that it's the key to 'content and comfortable' life.
Researchers say many of those who have passed their half century are enjoying the best time of their lives - they have the peace of mind of having paid off their mortgage, got the children off their hands or are simply enjoying spending
more time with loved ones and friends.
The 'age of happiness', in fact, emerged in a survey which questioned almost 1,500 people aged 50 and over. It has found four out of ten were more content with their lives than at any other period, the 'Daily Mail' reported.
Many admitted they enjoyed a sense of achievement from their career and pride in having children who were settled in their chosen careers. More time to spend with family and an active social life were also key factors, the survey found.
It also emerged that almost two-thirds of those in their fifties feel more confident than ever before. And 85 per cent said things they used to worry about when in their twenties and thirties were no longer important.
More than a third said they were no longer troubled by worries over their body shape or image. Of those who were unhappy, more than half said they were worried about their finances or their health, and more than a third were concerned about their children's finances.
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