Theatre is the mother of all art forms
Theatre is the mother of all art forms
BANGALORE: While gestures conjure up emotions out of delusions and extraordinary imagination; each character travels through diffe..

BANGALORE: While gestures conjure up emotions out of delusions and extraordinary imagination; each character travels through different dimensions of robust sentiments. Experiencing an intimate connection through genuine and feigned emotions; the dramatic ability of mankind today has sought greater heights. Theatre has indeed evolved from a mere conceptualisation of thoughts to a more perceptive form of communication.    Striving to bring about change through art; Art and Culture for Life Movement will organise a road rally to revive theatre and bring forth social awareness through self awareness on July 5. Mesmerised by the world of gestures, sounds and words; Sushma Veer (founder of Veer Kathakar) talks to City Express about her passion for theatre and art in general. Tell us about Veer Kathakar We are a group of like-minded artists who have come together to encourage, validate and promote theatre — raise the bar for performances and to provide a platform for Indian theatre and performing arts, which has constantly struggled to realise its full potential. Our team has always been at the forefront in voicing social issues and joining hands to address them. In the past, we have initiated and been a part of various social awareness campaigns for HIV and AIDS, supporting children who are differently abled and uplifting the plight of eunuchs across Bangalore to name a few; all through various art forms.How do you propose to bring about change through art? Now my present project being an art piece named Mysterious Art Dynasty, is a journey through the lives of our legends who walked our state on the path of pride. Art and Culture for Life is a unique initiative by Veer Kathakar to breathe life back into our lives through art and culture. Through art initiatives, Veer Kathakar intends to revive and rejuvenate the art and culture of the state. Our intention is to sound our daily life social issues on a realistic note and channelise the indefatigable energy of the youth to contribute to social awareness on an individual level, which will be mentored by renowned personalities from various walks of life.Could you shed some light on the street play (by Abhinaya taranga) which will be performed at the finale? Abhinaya taranga and Bimba are both like the arms and legs of the rally; I have always believed and have immense faith in the calibre of the Abhinaya taranga kids. As for Bimba its just a reflection of art. Sushma S V and Gowri Dutt amma are both a part of the Rally. Sushma from Bimba is working on children from the fifth to tenth grade from BET convent for their dance drama. And, the Abhinaya taranga students headed by Gowri Dutt are a group of extraordinary artistes who share a common passion for art.Where do you think theatre stands today in the field of contemporary art?Theatre is indisputably a unique platform which is very evident in its every form; yet it has its own form. I personally revere theatre as the mother of all art forms; that is why it is called Ranga Bhoomi or earth. I believe it is a base for any and every art form to flourish from; be it contemporary or classical. All art needs is expression and theatre is its voice, where you draw inspiration from.As an artiste, what do you strive to achieve through your work?Expression of art in all its multihued and myriad forms is the ultimate goal of any artiste and this is an attempt to showcase the rich cultural heritage, landscape, people, and monuments of our state and nation. During the journey, Veer Kathakar will also be holding workshops and rallies at schools and colleges on art and culture, to urge people to enrich their life by adopting and integrating art and culture into their day to day life.Where would you put Indian theatre in the global scenario? Indian art has its own distinctive space in the global scenario which I personally feel is only the tip of the iceberg. The world has yet to see the inner depths of our art. Indian artistes through the ages have been inspirational models for their art and personalities. I sincerely believe that with our gloriously rich cultural heritage, we do not need to either contemplate or compete; we blaze our own path across the globe.Could you describe your experience of celebrating the true essence of art in air(two months ago)?Every one dreams of flying high and free like a bird, in the air up above the sky. But I really got to understand what it takes a bird to be there. My grandmother had always advised me to go the extra mile, as it is never crowded there. I did go the extra mile and my soul soared. I fell in love with the absolute silence, peace and calmness up there, more than anything else. I cannot ask for anything more than the sky, can I?What is it about art that intrigues you the most? The fact that art is infinite in all aspects. Do you think art instills a sense of hope in mankind? Yes, of course. Art does instill a sense of hope in mankind, for it awakens your senses.  It teaches you to give space for bonding and to accept the existence of people and their individualities. And, it also enhances emotional and mental strength and vision.What do you strive to achieve with the Road Rally? This latest initiative by Veer Kathakar uses art to improve and sensitise the youth by bringing forth social awareness through self-awareness; and highlighting the consequences and possibilities on individual level rather than on a social level. The workshops will have artistes and achievers from various walks of life, who will address the students, while monitoring the movement. The intention behind these workshops is to engage the youth of the city in alternative ways of living, which is rather qualitative more than quantitative, thereby bringing forth the quintessential change. Through various initiatives, Veer Kathakar intends to revive and rejuvenate the art and culture of the state. Like heart is the life of a body, and air is the breath of life, our body needs our mind to function at its best.  Let’s do our bit for promoting peace on the roads. Don’t let what you cant do stop you from doing what you can do; is what my grandmother always taught me to do. So I guess I dedicate this rally to peace, art and culture of our state. My entire strength is my core team which is more a family than a team. Road Rally organised by Art and Culture for Life Movement that is scheduled to take place on July 5 across the city.

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