You don’t have the time to be patient anymore. You’re fed up of waiting for answers. Results. Changes. Anything just as long as it’s something. You’ve even prepared yourself for the worst, but why isn’t anything happening?
Some call them ‘lullaby lulls’. Some call them ‘hanging by the cliff’. And some just whistle and say when the time is right, the answers will appear. The more we push for what we want to see, hear or touch, the further it will inch away, purely to test us.
If you find the people who test your patience too unbearable to face today, opt for a change of attitude. Regard them as teachers in some sort of class in life you just cannot bunk. The more you bunk the classes in Patience, the more challenging the situations become.
The point is to bide your time productively and peacefully until the answers come. Difficult yes, but impossible never!
(From the desk of Mita Bhan - www.mitabhan.com)
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