Palestinian gunmen storm Gaza office
Palestinian gunmen storm Gaza office
Palestinian gunmen stormed a government office in Rafah in southern Gaza to protest the arrest of a suspect in last week's kidnapping.

Gaza City: Palestinian gunmen late on Tuesday stormed a government office in Rafah in southern Gaza to protest the arrest of a suspect in last week's kidnapping of three British citizens, Palestinian sources said.

The gunmen fired into the air before storming the offices of the Interior Ministry and the Legislative Council in Rafah, the sources said. There were no reports of injuries.

The gunmen were members of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the militant offshoot of the Palestinian political party Fatah. In March 2002, the US State Department designated the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades as an international terrorist organization.

The sources said they were protesting the arrest of Ala'a al-Hams, a suspect in last week's kidnapping.

The three Britons, human-rights activist Kate Burton and her parents, were kidnapped last Wednesday in Rafah and released unharmed three days later after negotiations with Palestinian security officials.

Meanwhile, the Israel Defense Forces said a Kassam rocket was fired from Gaza into the Israeli city of Sderot, hitting a gas station and causing some damage. No one was injured.

About 30 minutes before that, the IDF said, Israeli artillery fired into northern Gaza after Palestinian rockets landed in an open area. There were no reports of injuries.

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