Directed by Kamal Swaroop's, the film features Lalit Tiwari, Anita Kanwar and Gopi Desai in the lead roles.
New Delhi: Director Kamal Swaroop's 'Om Dar B Dar' has transformed into a 'cult' film even without seeing a wide release ever. The film was made in 1988 and now, after 25 years PVR is going to release the film in its special section 'Director's Rare', which promotes alternative cinema.
The film features Lalit Tiwari, Anita Kanwar and Gopi Desai in the lead roles. There is hardly any serious film watcher in urban India who has not seen or heard about this film.
Probably one of India's most original films, 'Om Dar B Dar' is a surreal film which is multi-layered and quite intelligent in its approach.
The film is hitting the screens on January 17, 2014. Take a look at the new trailer.####
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