NASA making money on the moon
NASA making money on the moon
Making money on the moon is an essential part of the NASA plan for space exploration.

New York Making money on the moon is an essential part of the US plan for space exploration.NASA officials said on Friday after a four-day strategy workshop with international space officials and scientists.

Billed, as the first meeting to determine what explorers would do if they return to the lunar surface after more than three decades, the gathering drew some 180 participants for more than a dozen countries including China, Russia, Japan and the nations of European space agency.

Shane Dale, NASA’s deputy administrator said one clear goal was to do business.

“The team recognises the critical importance of space commerce having real companies doing going to the moon and making money,” Dale said at a telephonic news conference.

“The government needs to be a trailblazer and enabler with a desire to see commerce take off.”said the officials.

The strategy workshop was the first of its kind which aims to set out future space mission to moon and Mars as described by president Bush in his “vision for Space Exploration”

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