Musharraf is a hunk, says Miss Pakistan World
Musharraf is a hunk, says Miss Pakistan World
Mahleej Sarkari says she would love to date Musharraf if he asks her out.

Islamabad: Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf may be facing the heat from all corners but not from one Pakistani beauty pageants winner who says he is a "hunk".

Reigning Miss Pakistan World Mahleej Sarkari found time last week to write a post on Musharraf on the pageant's website.

"A little note to the people of Pakistan. Going to international pageants we have found out how much Musharraf is known to all beautiful young girls, and beauty queens. Some have replied, 'Oh yes, the general man (sic)'. While others have said 'the man who rules Pakistan'," wrote Sarkari.

"Everything positive I think personally Musharraf Sahab is very good-looking. Some Pakistani politicians may not agree with these gorgeous women. But here they are kissing Musharraf," she says.

"You know like Benazir, all men around the world thought she was a beauty, similarly Musharraf is a hunk. He has enough charisma to have young girls going nuts," says the beauty queen’s post," she adds.

Sarkari says she would love to date Musharraf if he asked her out. "Yes, any time, I like him a lot," she told a news portal.

Sarkari also says she thought, "Mrs Musharraf would nod her head in agreement that her husband is an icon no matter what happens".

Sonia Ahmed, founder of the Miss Pakistan World pageant, too is a huge Musharraf fan. On the pageant's website, there are several shots of beauty queens holding up Musharraf's picture, blowing kisses and saying, "We love you Mushy".


"Well, I am a huge fan of President Musharraf and so are my Miss and Mrs Pakistans and I don't know why but we all look up to him as a man who gave freedom to the entertainment industry and media.

"There is no PPP or Nawaz that gave that freedom, however they are all claiming that they are 'oh so moderate!'" Ahmed said in a statement.

"Let me tell you future Miss Pakistans as well as Mrs Pakistans how we ended up getting the poster of Musharraf Sahab. We searched the internet and finally found this high resolution picture of him. And so we told our printer to make a big poster out of it," Ahmed said. Incidentally, in the picture Musharraf is clad in his army uniform, which he doffed last year.

Pakistanis have been winning quite a few pageants internationally. A Pakistani girl was declared runner-up for the Miss Disco Queen contest earlier this month.

Sarkari represented Pakistan in the Miss Tourism Queen International contest earlier this month in China. While most contestants taking part in such pageants are non-resident Pakistanis, a few residents are flying out of the country to make a mark at these events.

Sarkari, a Baloch, was raised in Karachi and has been in Toronto for the past six years. She had gone to Canada to study but stayed on and now runs a spa business there.

"We are showing people that young women from Pakistan deserve a voice and can do great things when given the chance. On an international level, we have far surpassed our goals bringing home six international titles within the past five years," Ahmed said.

When reminded that Musharraf was not exactly popular in her home province of Balochistan, she said, "I don't care that's politics."

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