Mumbai attack: US confirms Pakistan involvement
Mumbai attack: US confirms Pakistan involvement
The US has endorsed evidence by Indian agencies on Pak involvement.

New Delhi: The US has endorsed evidence by Indian agencies on the involvement of Pakistan's state actors in the 26/11 Mumbai attacks.

According to reports, top US intelligence official John Michel McConell is satisfied with the strength of India's case against Pakistan.

This after FBI's examination of call records of satellite and cellular phones used by Mumbai attackers and their Pakistan-based handlers.

McConell also confirmed that one of the numbers logged on the satellite phone belonged to known Lashkar terrorist Abu al-Qama.

He said, "We are completely satisfied with the strength of India's case against Pakistan. One of the numbers logged on the satellite phone used by the Mumbai attackers belonged to known Lashkar terrorist Abu al-Qama."

The US, using its leverage with Sharjah where Thuraya (a satellite phone company) is headquartered, corroborated this fact, and also the fact that Qama was passing instructions to the attackers from Pakistani soil.

The US move is also expected to step up international pressure on Pakistan to take action against Lashkar-e-Toiba.

Meanwhile, the US government is asking Pakistan "every single day" to act against those involved in the Mumbai terror attack and has warned it to be especially vigilant against more incidents till Barack Obama takes over as the American President, officials said.

The Spokesman of the US State Department, Sean McCormack said, "We are urging Pakistan to do whatever it can to prevent future attacks and to track down and get off the street those responsible for these attacks. We will get to a stage at some point where we will look very closely at exactly what is the final disposition of these individuals who have been arrested overtime and every single day Pakistan should focus at the task at hand - that is to prevent any further attacks."

At the same time, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said ungoverned spaces of Pakistan together with the difficult-to-defend Afghan border have compounded the problem of fighting terrorism in South Asia.

State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said on Monday that the US is asking Pakistan "every single day to do whatever it can" to track down those responsible for the Mumbai terror strikes and prevent future terrorist attacks, but would leave it to Islamabad how to bring them to justice.

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