Militants blitz through Iraq's western desert
Militants blitz through Iraq's western desert
The lightening offensive by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant takes the group closer to its dream of carving out an Islamic state straddling both Syria and Iraq.

Baghdad: Sunni militants have blitzed through the vast desert of western Iraq, capturing four towns and three border crossings and deepening the predicament of the Shiite-led government in Baghdad led by Nouri al-Maliki.

The latest military victories including two border posts captured yesterday, one along the frontier with Jordan and the other with Syria considerably expanded territory under the militants' control just two weeks after the al-Qaeda breakaway group began swallowing up chunks of northern Iraq, heightening

pressure on al-Maliki to step aside.

The lightening offensive by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant takes the group closer to its dream of carving out an Islamic state straddling both Syria and Iraq. Moreover,controlling the borders with Syria will help it supply fellow

fighters there with weaponry looted from Iraqi warehouses, significantly reinforcing its ability to battle beleaguered Syrian government forces.

If the Sunni insurgents succeed in their quest to secure an enclave, they could further unsettle the already volatile Middle East and serve as a magnet for Jihadists from around the world much like al-Qaeda attracted extremists in

Taliban-ruled Afghanistan.

President Barack Obama, in an interview with CBS' "Face the Nation" aired yesterday, warned that the Islamic State could grow in power and destabilize the region. Washington, he said, must remain "vigilant" but would not "play whack-a-mole and send US troops ... wherever these organizations pop up."

US Secretary of State John Kerry, in the Jordanian capital yesterday, also weighed in. The Islamic State, he warned, is a "threat not only to Iraq, but to the entire region."

The US is looking for ways to work with Middle Eastern nations, most of them led by Sunni governments, to curb the Sunni militant group's growth. Officials in the United States and the Middle East have suggested privately that al-Maliki

must leave office before Iraq's Sunnis will believe that their complaints of marginalization by the Shiite-led government in Baghdad will be addressed.

Al-Maliki, in office since 2006, has shown no sign he is willing to step down. However, he has been uncharacteristically silent since Obama and Iraq's top Shiite cleric both urged the prime minister last week to form an inclusive government that promotes the interests of all of Iraq's ethnic and religious groups.

Iraq's newly elected parliament must meet by June 30, when it will elect a speaker and a new president, who, in turn, will ask the leader who enjoys the support of a simple majority in the 328-seat chamber to form a new government.

Al-Maliki's State of the Law won 92 seats, more than any other group but not enough to form a government.

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