High Court seeks report on privatisation of lake
High Court seeks report on privatisation of lake
BANGALORE: The High Court on Friday asked the state government to file a report on the privatisation of lakes in Bangalore. The or..

BANGALORE: The High Court on Friday asked the state government to file a report on the privatisation of lakes in Bangalore. The order concerns a PIL that sought the cancellation of privatising the Nagawara, Hebbal, Vengaiah and Agara Lakes. The petitioner, Environment Support Group, said that the Lake Development Authority had permitted the privatisation of four lakes and had given the goahead for commercial activities like boating.Such activities, it contented, was changing the lake structure and inflow into it.They prayed that the privatisation of lakes be cancelled. A division bench headed by Justice Sridhar Rao passed the order. HC issues summons on Kumble Case The High Court on Friday issued summons to the Bharathinagar police inspector to appear before the court over not filing an FIR complaint against cricketer Anil Kumble.Kumar Jagirdar, the biological father of the former cricketer’s custodial daughter filed it. He accused the police of not taking action against Kumble, who allegedly forged his signature in the daughter’s passport.He added Kumble’s affidavit copy obtained from RTI was different from the copy submitted by the police as Kumble’s. The affidavit copy submitted by the police contained the dictionary meaning of ‘father’. However, according to Jagirdar, Kumble’s original affidavit had no dictionary definition and Chetana, the biological mother was not mentioned.Both affidavit copies carried the same date. Justice Abdul Nazeer adjourned the matter to February 28 for further hearing. Rajakaluve Issue: Plea in HCA contempt petition was filed before the High Court on Friday against the BBMP for not taking action against the encroachment of Rajakaluve (storm water drain) after court orders.The petitioner, Umesh S, stated that the court directed the BBMP to demolish all structures built on the Rajakaluve and submit monthly reports, which it failed to do. The structures were not demolished

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