Google Doodle Celebrates Northern Hemisphere's Summer Season
Google Doodle Celebrates Northern Hemisphere's Summer Season
According to the National Geographic, the summer season begins in the northern hemisphere (which India is also a part of) on June 21 or June 22 every year.

Google doodle celebrated the beginning of the summer season in the northern hemisphere of the planet with a vibrant doodle on Saturday. A flamingo can be seen riding an air balloon up in the skies as a bright big sun beams from behind.

According to the National Geographic, the summer season begins in the northern hemisphere (which India is also a part of) on June 21 or June 22 every year. In 2020, the summer solstice or the longest day of the year will take place on June 21, 2020 (Sunday).

On the other end, winter in Australia and Antarctica begins in the month of June as these are present in the southern hemisphere. The other seasons – spring, autumn and fall – begin on equinoxes, which are the days with equal amounts of daylight and darkness.

As the earth revolves around the sun throughout the year while it rotates on its own axis, different surfaces of the planet face the sun at different points of time. In June, the northern hemisphere faces the sun and thus the sunlight hits the hemisphere for more number of hours.

The winter solstice begins in December in the northern hemisphere, when this half faces away from the sun. Thus, during the months of December, January and February winter season prevails as the area gets fewer hours of daylight.

Google has also celebrated the beginning of the winter season in the southern hemisphere with Saturday’s doodle. In this doodle, a penguin rides an air balloon.

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