Fashion police makes a few arrests on Filmfare
Fashion police makes a few arrests on Filmfare
Fashion blunders made by these folks who attended the grand award function...

Things we want to tell these folks who attended the recent award function...

Dear Sri, the next time, you wear a Donna Karan, may we request you to leave the hideous stole/shawl at home? She ruined the DKNY outfit by carrying that.

Dear Whatsyourname, Next time, a little less colour please. If you dress badly, it’s best not to draw attention to yourself.

Dear Atul, we love the salt and pepper hair, and clearly you work out, now work on your fashion sense. Say no to silk.

Dear Rekha, when and more importantly WHY did you become Rapunzel? Giving a nod to the animation film, Tangled, are you?

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