Corporation goes all out to rid the mess
Corporation goes all out to rid the mess
CHENNAI: If you were someone who took a walk on the Marina on Wednesday morning, you might doubt if it was the day after Kaanum Po..

CHENNAI: If you were someone who took a walk on the Marina on Wednesday morning, you might doubt if it was the day after Kaanum Pongal. For, unlike previous years, when there would be as much garbage as there was sand, the Corporation had got its act together in cleaning up the beach, with tractors and cleaning machines deployed very early in the morning. Officials said that over 120 conservancy staff were deployed at the beach as early as 5 am to start the cleaning up process. Two mechanical cleaners and one crane were brought in to clear the collected waste. The waste mainly consisted of food packets that were left behind by revellers on Tuesday. However, one thing that was evident was the amount of plastic waste that was strewn around. This was despite the fact that there was a standing ban on carrying or distributing plastic bags in the Marina. While one set of workers cleaned up the stretch between Gandhi Statue and Kannagi Statue in the morning, a second round of cleaning was started by 2pm. But the stretch between Kannagi statue and Labour statue continued to have a fair bit of garbage even after 2pm. Officials said that for the amount of waste that was generated on Tuesday, it was “unreasonable” to except a spic-and-span Marina within a few hours. They said that apart from their own staff, members of the Vendors’ Association were also involved in the clean- up process.Vendors, on the other hand, said that much of the work could have been reduced had the agencies provided enough bins on Tuesday. “The bins were grossly inadequate compared to the crowd that poured in on Tuesday,” they said.

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