Vienna: Groups of rival worshippers at a gurudwara in the Austrian capital pulled knives and at least one handgun in a mass fight on Sunday, police and ambulance staff said. At least 11 people were wounded.
Witnesses said the fight erupted at the Sikh temple after a dispute over the sermon, given by a man identified by the Austrian Press Agency as Shri Guru Ravidas Sabha.
Police said at least six men, one wielding a gun and the others knives, attacked the preacher. Others rushed to his aid, resulting in the melee.
Police spokesman Michael Takacs told APA that one of the attackers is in critical condition, while the wounds of the others were less serious. More people may have been slightly hurt and have run outside the temple before police arrived, he said.
Four ambulances and three medical helicopters transported the victims to the hospital.
The temple is situated in Vienna-Rudolfsheim, the capital's 15th district. Police cordoned off the area.
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