What Do You Call a Male Karen?
What Do You Call a Male Karen?
You’ve probably heard the term “Karen” thrown around to describe someone chewing out a service worker, or just acting childish and selfish. It’s a term that usually refers to women, but what would you call a man who’s being a Karen? Pop culture hasn’t decided, but there are some options, and we’re here to lay them out, as well as explain what exactly a Karen is, where the term comes from, how to handle them, and other words for an entitled person.
What to Call a Male Karen

Male Versions of Karen

Male Karens are sometimes called “Kevin” or “Terry.” There’s no consensus or official name for male Karens, but people online have suggested names like Terry, Donald, Greg, Brad, Jethro, Kevin, Keith, and others. There’s no particular rhyme or reason for these names, except that they sort of follow the standard set by Karen—names that are average, everyday, but also associated with middle-class or white people. Some people say “Ken” is the male term, but since the release of the Barbie movie, that name has taken on other connotations. People also sometimes say “Chad,” but in slang, a Chad is someone who exudes masculinity and dominance, so it doesn’t quite fit.

People also just use “Karen” or “Male Karen.” Since there’s no established alternative, lots of people just call male Karens by the usual name, Karen. This way, it becomes gender neutral, and still hits pretty hard, especially when the male Karen has fragile masculinity and doesn’t want to be called by a traditionally female name. Just like there’s a Karen haircut, the male Karen haircut might be a buzzcut, especially with a flat top.

What is a Karen?

“Karen” is slang for an entitled person. Usually, a Karen is middle-class, white, and screaming at someone like a service worker for making a latte too slow. Or, they’re calling the cops on kids who are having fun in the neighborhood. In a nutshell, a Karen is anyone who acts entitled, makes life hard for other people, or ruins others’ fun for no particular reason other than that it annoys them. Kinda like the Grinch. Karens aren’t always white, middle-class, or female, but that’s the kind of person the term originally described. Crucially, Karens are usually acting racist or classist, and punching down on people with harder lives than themselves.

Where did the term Karen come from?

The term began as a way to describe racist white women. It’s hard to say where or when exactly the term originated, but it’s closely associated with a rise in white women acting aggressive toward lower class or people of color around 2018. That's when they were big in the news, with phone footage of these women calling cops on people of color just going about their day. People online started calling them Karens as a quick way to describe their racism and entitlement. It’s also related to the term “BBQ Becky,” which was the nickname for a woman who did in fact call the cops on a Black family who was just having a barbecue. In another instance, a woman in a golf cart dialed 911 on a father at a football game, earning her the nickname “Golfcart Gail.”

Dealing with Male Karens

Stay calm, and try not to escalate. Karens and Male Karens love to escalate the situation. In some ways, they’re in it for the drama—they see themselves as the victims, and want “justice,” which means yelling and throwing a fit. Do your best to remain calm and exit the situation as quickly as possible, instead of starting a fight. If you’re an employee, consider calling your manager to have them come deal with it. If a Karen is approaching or following you, go somewhere public where other people can step in. Or, if you’re in your own home or on your property, stay inside, where they’ll be trespassing if they try to advance.

Stand up for the Karen’s victim. Usually, Karens and Male Karens are getting angry at or victimizing someone else, especially service workers or marginalized people. In these situations, you can sometimes make them stand down by showing solidarity with the victims. This shows the Karen that other people don’t agree with them, and that their behavior is unacceptable.

Record the interaction for proof or evidence. Karens play dirty. They do things like call the police, use intimidation, or even get violent. If you can, start recording the situation with your phone. This acts as a warning that their behavior could have bigger consequences. It also protects you if they decide to get the police involved, since you have something to show the police to explain the situation.

Assess your own behavior if you’re called a Karen. While people sometimes misuse the word “Karen,” it’s usually meant to mean that someone’s being cruel or petty. If you’re called a Karen, respond to the accusation thoughtfully. Ask them what they mean, and ask yourself if maybe they’re right. If you think about it and decide they’re wrong, ignore them and exit the situation as soon as you can.

Similar Terms

Narc Narc is short for “narcotics agent,” and is a slang term for snitch. Karens are often called narcs because they often call the police on people, even when they’re not doing anything wrong. Example: “Yeah, she told the barista’s manager that the barista was on her phone. What a narc.”

Becky A Becky is a younger woman, and often someone who’s blissfully unaware of her privilege and tends to hurt others in their process. They’re often white and middle-class, like a Karen. The term was popularized by Beyoncé with the lyrics “Becky with the good hair.” Example: “That Becky always talks bad about waitresses, as if they aren’t important.”

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