The Easiest Way to Air Out a Mattress (And When to Do It)
The Easiest Way to Air Out a Mattress (And When to Do It)
If you want to refresh and disinfect your mattress, airing it out is a simple chore to add to your weekly routine. Letting your mattress breathe allows fresh air to move through the material to get rid of germs and allergens, and we'll walk you through everything you need to know! Keep reading for step-by-step instructions for airing out your mattress and finding the best time to do it.
Things You Should Know
  • Take the sheets, blankets, and pillows off of your mattress and vacuum the surface with an upholstery attachment.
  • Stand your mattress up against a wall in a bright sunny spot outside or indoors near open windows. Let your mattress air out for 3–4 hours.
  • Air out your mattress once a week to get rid of germs and bacteria.

Airing out the Mattress

Strip the linens off of your bed. Remove all clothing, sheets, and pillows from your mattress so that it’s completely uncovered. If it’s possible, open your blinds and windows in your bedroom to let in the sun and fresh air. That way, your mattress can start airing out right away. When the sun shines on the mattress, it will start to naturally purge it of germs and bacteria. Use this opportunity to wash your bedding so it’s completely clean. Try to clean your sheets and pillowcases weekly and clean blankets and heavier bedding items every 6 months. Wash the mattress cover monthly or once every 3 months depending on how dirty it appears.

Vacuum the surface of your mattress. Use an upholstery or crevice attachment on your vacuum to get rid of any dust that built up on the surface. After vacuuming, fresh air will more easily flow through the mattress and let it breathe more effectively. Even if you aren’t airing out your mattress, try to do a weekly or monthly vacuuming to help remove dust and get rid of dust mites.

Take your mattress to a well-ventilated room or outdoors. If you have space outdoors and it’s a clear day, bring your mattress outside and lean it up against an exterior wall. If you only have space indoors, then open the windows in the room with the best airflow and stand your mattress against a wall. Ask a friend to help you maneuver your mattress more easily. When you’re airing out your mattress outside, choose a spot that’s free of puddles or other wet spots so it doesn’t develop mold or mildew. If you need to, put down a tarp to protect your mattress from water damage. If you live in a rural area, avoid putting your mattress outdoors since it could attract small animals like mice or raccoons. Place your mattress outside on a balcony if you live in the upper story of a building and have access to one.

Leave the mattress to air out in the sun to air for at least 3-4 hours. Over this time, fresh air will move through your mattress and the sunlight will kill germs and bacteria. If you can, air your mattress out for 6 hours or more. After that, bring it back inside and make your bed again. Avoid leaving your mattress out in the evening after the sun goes down because it could become damp and more prone to mold. For added purification, keep plants in your bedroom. Plants purify the air naturally and will ensure the air your mattress is exposed to is as fresh as can be.

When to Air Out the Mattress

Air out your mattress once a week. Whenever you strip your sheets to wash them, leave your mattress uncovered in your bedroom or take it outside to air out. That way, your mattress has time to ventilate and no odors or bacteria will build up. If you live in a humid climate or if you have your mattress on the floor, plan on airing out your mattress about twice a week. If you aren’t able to move your mattress every week, then just leave it in the bedroom with all the windows open. Instead of making your bed right away when you wake up, pull the covers back for about 30 minutes to help dry out any sweat or moisture.

Choose a day when there’s sunny, warm weather. Anytime from spring through fall is the best time to find a day when it isn’t raining or excessively cold. Check the weather forecast to see when there are clear skies and warmer temperatures to get rid of germs and bacteria more effectively. Fresh air and sunlight can help reduce the risk of infections or getting sick. If the weather is unpleasant, you’re still able to air out your mattress indoors. Try to air out your mattress in the morning or midday. Once it gets dark outside, your mattress could get damp and develop mold.

Air a new mattress out before sleeping on it. Kadi Dulude, a professional cleaner, says, “Most [mattresses] have a very strong smell on them” from the manufacturing and packaging process, so you should avoid putting sheets and blankets on right away. She recommends airing it out “until you no longer smell the odors. It could be a few hours or days.” Letting a mattress air out after purchasing it is also known as “off-gassing.” Check the manufacturer instructions that come with your mattress to find out how long they recommend you should let it air out after opening it.

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