How to Win a Teenage Girl's Heart
How to Win a Teenage Girl's Heart
Does a certain girl take your breath away? Is she the only thing you can think about? If you’re absolutely infatuated by her, we know how it feels⁠—and we have your back. Don’t stress if you’re not sure how to impress her and stand out. With these helpful tips we’ve put together for you, you might just win her heart!

Be confident.

Acting confident can make you seem more attractive. If you’re confident, it means you’re comfortable with your identity and your unique personality. This can make you seem more charming and assertive to the girl you're interested in. For example, talk about your hobbies or interests when you’re around her. Showing off your passion signals that you’re secure about who you are. Plus, you may find out you share a few interests! If you’re in a class with her and the teacher asks for volunteers, raise your hand and impress her with your confidence. If you're asked to answer a question and get it wrong, laugh it off and say something like, "I guess I should've let you answer that one." Make sure you’re not crossing the line from confidence to arrogance⁠—don’t be cocky or brag about your traits.

Dress well.

Upgrading your wardrobe may boost your confidence and catch her eye. Though clothing may not seem as important as words or actions, it actually sends important physical signals. When you dress in clothes that are clean and fit well, you’re showing that you take care of yourself⁠, which is an attractive trait. You’re also more likely to make a good first impression and stand out to the girl you’re hoping to win over if you’re wearing something cool and eye-catching. Dress according to your personal style. But if you’re looking for ideas, try putting on a leather or denim jacket, a beanie, and trendy sneakers. As a bonus, what you wear can impact your emotions and mood. Clothes tell a story about who you are and help you express your true self. So, dressing in a flattering way that feels true to your identity helps you both win over a girl and gain more confidence!

Make her laugh.

If you can make her laugh, she’ll see you as a fun person to be around. Laughter releases natural feel-good hormones that can create a bond between two people. If she laughs because of something you said, she’s probably feeling pretty affectionate towards you. Try out some jokes around her. If she laughs (even if they’re really silly or cheesy!), that’s a sign that she’s drawn to you. Be sure to laugh at her jokes, too! You could also tell her a story about something funny that happened to you recently. Having a great sense of humor can also make you seem more intelligent, which could be another trait your girl is looking for.

Smile at her when you see her.

Smiling is an easy way to clue her in that you like her. It’s natural for someone to smile when they see their crush, so don’t hold back. Make sure she knows you’re always happy when she’s around and she might realize that you’re into her. It might seem scary to signal that you like her, but she might actually like you back! You won't know unless you put yourself out there. For example, shoot her a grin when you pass her in the hall and smile at her when you make eye contact in class.

Make eye contact.

Holding her gaze can help you create a connection in the moment. Since more eye contact equals more attraction, this shows her that you’re present in the moment and listening carefully to everything she has to say⁠—and you’re also sharing an extra intimate moment! You could even wink at her if you’re feeling extra confident. Just make sure you do it in a funny or joking way to keep things light and not too intense or weird. Too much eye contact can be creepy, so try not to overdo it. If you notice her giving you shy glances, that could also mean she’s attracted to you!

Give her a sincere compliment.

Compliments can boost her self esteem and she'll associate that with you. You could compliment her on her personality or humor (not just her physical appearance!) to make her feel good about herself. Everyone loves hearing compliments, so let her know that you think she’s cool and what you appreciate about her, and she might find herself falling for you. Try complimenting her on specific things like how cute her laugh is or how she’s amazing at sports to show that you’re paying attention to her life. For example, if she played well at the soccer game last night, bring it up at lunch the next day. Be sincere! If you compliment her on every little thing she does, she might think you’re being annoying or insincere. Stay away from compliments that focus too much on her looks, body, or any sensitive topics that might make her uncomfortable. If you wouldn't be comfortable saying it in front of a teacher or parent, you probably shouldn't say it!

Reach out on social media.

Get on her radar through social media. If your crush is active on social media sites like Facebook or Instagram, you can show her you’re interested by adding her as a friend or following her, or sliding into her DMs. If you’re nervous about talking to her in person, reaching out through social media first can be a great way to get in contact!

Flirt with her online.

Don’t limit yourself to in-person flirting! Send her some love by liking her pictures, or drop a sweet comment on her latest post. You could even tag her in some funny memes, spice up your texts with emojis, or make a custom Spotify playlist just for her. For example, text her a heart eyes or fire emoji when you’re complimenting her, or use food emojis to ask her what she’s craving for your next date!

Make time to hang out with her.

Putting her first in your life signals to her that she’s your priority. If she sees that you’re willing to make sacrifices to be with her, she might feel really honored and flattered. Plus, the more quality time you have together, the better you’ll get to know each other. For example, stay behind to help her with her homework (if she asks you to help her with homework) rather than going to your friend's party. Or, if she had a tough day at school, ask her if she wants you to come over or stick around for some extra support. Putting her first doesn’t mean you shouldn’t spend time with friends or family! It just means that you’re eager to spend extra time with her and rearrange your schedule to make it happen whenever possible.

Give her your full attention when you're together.

Stay off your phone and other social media. You want to show her that your time together is precious to you (even if your social media accounts are blowing up), and that she’s what you care about most. She should be able to see that your full focus is on her, and that you’re truly dedicated to winning her heart. If you’re on a date, keep your cell phone switched off or on silent. If your friends are asking for updates on your date, save it for after.

Help her out whenever you can.

Show your appreciation by making her life a little easier. If you notice potential ways to help her out on a regular basis, step up! You don’t have to feel pressured to make huge gestures⁠—just show her that you like taking care of her. If you always see her carrying around a lot of textbooks, for example, you could offer to carry some for her.

Give her little gifts.

This is a great way to signal that you’ve been thinking about her. Try to tailor the gift to what you think she’d specifically like so that she appreciates the personalization! If she’s really romantic, for instance, you could try giving her roses. But if she really likes music, you could get her concert tickets. Buying her a hot drink might make you more attractive to her. Don’t overdo it by showering her with gifts⁠—this might cause her to feel like she owes you something. In the early stages, aim for just 1-2 inexpensive gifts to be safe! If she gives you gifts back, you can keep exchanging presents.

Learn more about her.

Ask your crush questions to form a deeper connection with her. The better you get to know each other, the more she might like you back. She’ll really feel like you’re listening to her when you take the time to find out more about what kind of person she is⁠—plus, her answers can clue you in to the best ways to win her over! You could ask who her celebrity crush is, or what her biggest turn-off is. It’ll be helpful to know what she finds attractive or what kind of stuff she can’t stand. Figure out if she’s an introvert or extrovert by asking her if she likes big parties or would rather spend time in a small group or alone. You can help her feel more comfortable in the future. Ask her what her favorite quote is, or what one rule to live by is. This way, you can find out about what she values in life and what’s most important to her.

Ask her on a date.

She’ll know you’re interested for sure. If you want to take the next step and make your feelings really clear, plan a special date or night out that she won’t forget. You’ll get to spend private time together with just the two of you. If you want to be less direct, you can gauge her interest first by asking what she has going on over the weekend or if she’s going to be busy. One romantic date idea is going to the beach⁠—you could take a walk with her and watch the sunset together. But you could also make the first date more lowkey, like going to a football game together on Friday night! At the end of your date, you could tell her how much you enjoyed it and ask her if she had fun. Set a time for the next date if it went well!

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