How to Use a Poké Ride Pokémon in Pokémon Sun and Moon
How to Use a Poké Ride Pokémon in Pokémon Sun and Moon
In Pokémon Sun and Moon, Poké Ride replaces HMs as the primary way of progressing through the Alola region. During your adventure, you'll get a number of Ride Pokémon that you can call upon at any time. This article will explain how to use a Poké Ride Pokémon.

Defeat Hala at Melemele Island. After completing your first trial at Verdant Cavern, you'll then have to defeat Hala as your first grand trial. Doing so will get you the Tauros Charge and gives you access to Poké Ride.

Know what the Poké Ride Pokémon are and what they do. This is a full list of the Poké Ride Pokémon that you will get: Tauros Charge: Allows you to move quickly on the ground and destroy large boulders. Stoutland Search: Allows you to find hidden items. Lapras Paddle: Allows you to ride on water and fish in certain areas of water. Charizard Glide: Allows you to fly to areas you've been to. Sharpedo Jet: Allows you to move quickly on water and destroy rocks. Machamp Shove: Allows you to move large blocks out of the way. Mudsdale Gallop: Allows you to move over rocky terrain.

Press the Y button to access a list of the Poké Ride Pokémon that you have.

Select the Poké Ride Pokémon that you want to use by tapping its name or pressing A. Any Poké Ride Pokémon that can't be used at your location will be greyed out.

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