How to Select the Best Pokémon to Beat the Elite Four in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl
How to Select the Best Pokémon to Beat the Elite Four in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl
So you’ve made it to The Pokémon League of Sinnoh and defeated your rival for the final time. Now all that stands between you and the Pokémon champion is the Elite Four! With so many possibilities, it’s tough to choose which Pokémon to take into battle. This guide will analyze the lineups of the Elite Four to help you exploit their weaknesses and give you the edge you need to prevail.

Analyze the weaknesses of your opponents. Each member of the Elite Four specializes in a certain Pokémon type. Aaron prioritizes Bug type, Bertha prefers Ground type, Flint likes Fire type, and Lucian excels in Psychic type. Since you cannot change lineups between fights with the Elite Four, you will need to bring a powerful, but diverse lineup.

Pick a Flying or Fire type to fight Aaron. Unfortunately, no single Pokémon fits both so you’ll have to pick one. If you started the game with Chimchar, his evolved form will take you through the bulk of the fight. Here is a list of Aaron’s Pokémon and their potential weaknesses: Dustox: Bug/Poison. Weak to Flying, Ground, Rock, Fire, or Psychic Heracross: Bug/Fight. Weak to Flying [4x Effectiveness], Fire, Psychic Vespiquen: Bug/Flying. Weak to Flying, Rock [4x Effectiveness], Fire, Electric, Ice Beautifly: Bug/Flying. Weak to Flying, Rock [4x Effectiveness], Fire, Electric, Ice Drapion: Dark/Poison. Weak to Ground

Pick a Grass type to fight Bertha. All of her Pokémon share a weakness to it. Torterra is especially good if you started the game with a turtwig. Here is a list of Bertha’s Pokémon and their weaknesses: Quagsire: Ground/Water. Weak to Grass [4x Effectiveness] Hippowdon: Ground. Weak to Grass, Water, Ice Sudowoodo: Rock. Weak to Fighting, Ground, Steel, Grass, Water Whiscash: Ground/Water. Weak to Grass [4x Effectiveness] Golem: Rock/Ground. Weak to Fighting, Ground, Steel, Grass [4x Effectiveness], Water [4x Effectiveness], Ice

Pick a Water or Ground type to fight Flint. A Gastrodon is perfect here. If you started the game with Piplup, the evolved form will get you through most of this fight as well. Here is a list of Flint’s Pokémon with weaknesses: Rapidash: Fire. Weak to Ground, Rock, Water Infernape: Fire/Fight. Weak to Flying, Ground, Water, Psychic Steelix: Steel/Ground. Weak to Fighting, Ground, Fire, Water Lopunny: Normal. Weak to Fighting Drifblim: Ghost/Flying. Weak to Rock, Ghost, Electric, Ice, Dark

Pick a Dark, Fighting, or Ghost type against Lucian. Fighting has good defense against Psychic, but may lose usefulness beyond this fight. Strong dark attacks can work through this fight very quickly. A Spiritomb will do very well, but there are many options. Mr. Mime: Psychic. Weak to Bug, Dark, Ghost Girafarig: Normal/Psychic. Weak to Bug, Dark Medicham: Psychic/Fight. Weak to Flying, Ghost Alakazam: Psychic. Weak to Bug, Dark, Ghost Bronzong: Steel/Psychic. Weak to Fire, Ground Note: Bronzong will have the ability Levitate (causes user to be unaffected by ground types)

Round out your lineup to take on Cynthia. Cynthia is the Pokémon Champion that immediately follows the Elite Four. A Togekiss is a good choice to beat her Spiritomb. Otherwise fill in the gaps from your choices for the Elite Four to create a well rounded team. Spiritomb: Ghost/Dark. No weaknesses. Just don't use any normal moves. Garchomp: Dragon/Ground. Weak to Ice [4x Effectiveness], Dragon Gastrodon: Water/Ground. Weak to Grass [4x Effectiveness] Milotic: Water. Weak to Grass, Electric Roserade: Grass/Poison. Weak to Flying, Fire, Psychic, Ice Lucario: Steel/Fight. Weak to Fighting, Ground, Fire

Use Hidden Machines (HMs) and Technical Machines(TMs) to teach your Pokémon powerful abilities. Moves like Surf, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Flamethrower, and Earthquake can be super effective against the Elite Four's Pokémon when used in the correct situation. They can also give your Pokémon more diverse attack type options. Moves that cause status effects (Toxic, Thunder Wave, and Sleep Powder) as well as moves that raise your Attack and/or Speed (Swords Dance and Dragon Dance) can also be very helpful.

Assemble your team. Unique Pokémon like Palkia or Dialga will always be a strong choice, but if you don’t have access to them or don’t want to use them for a challenge, there are many options for a well rounded team. Sensible switching to exploit differences in the fight will be key. Good luck!

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