Making Simple Slime
Mix 1 part soap flakes with 3 parts warm water. There is no science to making slime, so your measurements don’t have to be exact. For a simple batch of slime, start with 1 cup (38 g) of soap flakes and 3 cups (700 mL) of warm water. Stir everything together with a spoon until the soap dissolves. For better results, use a plastic bin with high walls. This will make clean-up easier. If you want to make thicker slime, use 2½ cups (595 mL) of warm water instead. Do not use borax; it is not the same thing. Soap flakes are simply grated pieces of soap and safe to handle with your bare hands. Borax isn't.
Mix the soap with an electric beater until it turns fluffy. How long this takes will vary each time, but it should not take more than a few minutes. Simply wait for the ingredients to turn slimy and frothy! You can beat the soap by hand with a whisk, but it will take longer. The slime also won't be as foamy.
Add some food coloring, if desired. Start with 3 to 5 drops of food coloring, then give your slime a good stir until the color is even. If you want to make multi-colored slime, divide the slime into bowls first, 1 for each color, then add the food coloring. Once you have the colors mixed, dump everything into 1 big bowl. If the color is not dark enough for you, just add more food coloring. If you want to make sparkly slime, add some extra-fine glitter.
Play with the slime. If you want the slime to be ickier and more like snot or mucus, put it into a covered container, and let it sit overnight. The next day, it will be less fluffy and more gooey.
Store the slime in an airtight container. This slime can last a long time, as long as you keep it in a covered container so that it stays clean. Eventually, it will become too dirty to play with, so you should throw it into the trash when that happens. Don’t toss the slime down a drain, as it will react with the water and foam up.
Making Sugar Slime
Place a few pumps of liquid hand soap into a small dish. How many pumps you add is up to you. Plan on using about 20 to 25 pumps, or ¼ cup (60 mL) total, however. Keep in mind that, despite the name, this slime is not edible. Choose a color and smell that you like. Your slime will have the same scent and color as the soap. Since you are working with such a tiny amount, it would not be a good idea to add food coloring because it might stain your hands. If you really want to add color into white or clear soap, use 1 drop of food coloring.
Add a small amount of granulated sugar. There is no exact science to making slime, because it turns out different each time. Plan on using about ⅛ to ¼ teaspoon of plain, granulated sugar. You can use a pinch of salt and baking soda instead. About ⅛ teaspoon of each would be good. Don't use baking powder; it's not the same thing. Do not use brown, caster, or powdered sugar. They are not the same thing and won't turn the soap into slime.
Give it a stir for about 30 to 45 seconds. As you stir, the slime will become more opaque. Once this happens, you are ready for the next step. Don’t worry, it will turn clear again in the end. Don’t worry if the mixture is not slime-like yet.
Put the slime into a lidded container and wait 2 days. Scoop the slime into a small, lidded container. Place the container into a safe place, and wait 2 days. Do not touch it during this time. During this time, the sugar (or salt and baking soda) will dissolve and react with the slime, resulting in a putty-like texture.
Freeze the slime for 1 hour before playing with it. Don’t open the container just yet! After the 2 days have passed, put the lidded container with the slime in it into the freezer. Wait 1 hour, then take it out. Now you can play with your slime! Your slime will have turned clear over the course of 2 days and 1 hour of freezing.
Play with your slime, then discard it into the trash. Both versions of the slime (sugar and salt/baking soda) will act like silly putty. It will be stretchy and gooey, but it won’t flow through your fingers like Gak. Because it is made from such simple ingredients, it won’t last very long. After about 1 day, the slime will lose its texture, and should be thrown away. If you want to save the slime for later, you can try keeping it in its container. Keep in mind that it probably won’t last for more than 2 or 3 days.
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