- Crossed arms may make you come off as rude, angry, or resistant.
- Someone may cross their arms when they are insecure, anxious, or stressed.
- People may also cross their arms for practical purposes, such as to stay warm if they are chilly, or to support their shoulders if they're sitting in an armless chair.
Possible Meanings
Stress or insecurity When someone is feeling uncomfortable during a conversation, or when the person they are talking to says something that triggers their anxiety, they may cross their arms in a subconscious attempt to protect themselves. People may also cross their arms when they feel low self-esteem. Essentially, by crossing their arms, they are hugging themselves.
Anger or defensiveness You might see someone cross their arms when they hear something that makes them angry or upset, or when they disagree with what’s being said. Crossing your arms is a subconscious way to create a barrier between you and the person speaking. Even if someone says, “Oh, interesting, go on,” crossed arms suggests they may not really be on board with what they’re hearing. In addition to crossing their arms, someone who is upset may also frown, get quiet, furrow their brows, or snap at you. Reader Poll: We asked 760 wikiHow readers who understand body language, and only 8% of them agreed that the best way to tell if someone is angry is if they furrow their eyebrows. [Take Poll] However, if this is accompanied by crossing their arms, it’s likely a good sign they’re upset.
Determination or arrogance You might see folks engaged in a debate folding their arms to their chest. Crossing their arms over their chest may convey persistence or triumph. (And sometimes just ego.) What else is their body doing? Arrogance or determination might be accompanied by bright eyes or a smirk. If you want to display power or confidence, try to avoid crossing your arms, as it may make you seem more cocky than self-assured.
Practical reasons If you’re speaking to someone and it seems like it’s going well, but then they cross their arms, give them the benefit of the doubt: the AC might be a notch too high, and they may be hugging their chest to keep warm. Or perhaps they're sitting in an armless chair and need to cross their arms to support their shoulders. While body language can accompany and supersede what someone is saying, their own bodily needs—to stay warm, for instance—may outweigh their need to nonverbally express themselves.
Using Context
To understand crossed arms, read other nonverbal cues. Crossed arms on their own can be confusing: do they mean the person you’re talking to is angry or uninterested in what you’re saying? Are they anxious? Or are they perhaps focused on the interaction? Observe their eye contact, tone, posture, and other nonverbal cues to get a fuller understanding of what someone means when they cross their arms in a specific context. If you’re talking to someone whose arms are crossed but who is maintaining eye contact, leaning forward, speaking with a warm tone, and nodding, it is likely their crossed arms are a sign of engagement in the interaction. If they are tapping their toes, leaning away from you, and glancing around, they may be irritated or impatient to end the conversation. Be aware of your own verbal and nonverbal cues: if the other person is mirroring your body language, this may indicate they are invested in the conversation.
Pay attention to inconsistencies in verbal and nonverbal communication. Body language can tell us a lot about what a person is feeling or thinking. Even if someone says “Yes,” their body language may be saying “No”: they may be shaking their head, or they may be fidgeting to indicate anxiety. If someone’s body language doesn’t seem to match their words, it may be worth it to ask for clarification.
Be aware of cultural body language traditions. While much of body language is universal (for instance, most facial expressions), there are certain types of nonverbal communication that are informed by different cultures. If you’re not sure how to interpret a certain gesture, consider that it may mean something different in another culture. For instance, while in English-speaking countries, the OK sign usually expresses a positive message, it is viewed as offensive in certain other countries, including Brazil and Germany.
Use your instincts to interpret nonverbal communication. If you’re having trouble telling what someone’s crossed arms mean, and their other nonverbal cues aren’t helping, use your instincts to guide your interpretation. For instance, if you feel that things are going well, they likely are. If you get a sense someone isn’t being forthright, stay on alert. At the end of the day, body language isn’t an exact science! Nonverbal cues can tell us a lot—but they can’t tell us everything.
Body Language Facts
The majority of human communication is nonverbal. To be precise, human communication is 55% nonverbal, 38% vocal (hmms and sighs—that sort of thing), and 7% words only. Only 7%! This means that while words matter, how someone interprets those words relies a great deal on whether a person is smiling, frowning, shrugging, or crossing their arms when they say them. That said, communicating with body language isn’t an exact science, as we’ve proved with our dissection of the many ways crossed arms could be interpreted. One person’s arched eyebrow may be another person’s toe-tapping. Our interpretations of someone’s body language may also be biased: for instance, people with lower voices tend to be perceived as more authoritative than people with higher voices.
We all automatically read body language while socializing. It might seem like someone’s words should matter more than what their arms, eyes, or shoulders are doing, but the truth is we all pick up on hand gestures, posture, and microexpressions instantly while we communicate with other people, even if we’re not consciously aware of it. What someone is saying could be completely opposite to what their body is suggesting. By “microexpressions,” we mean brief, subtle facial expressions—such as squinting or pursing lips. (Unlike a more overt, prolonged facial expression, it’s hard to fake a microexpression.)
Tailoring Body Language
Stand up straight and make eye contact to show confidence. Slouching and avoiding making eye contact may signify that you have low self-esteem or are feeling anxious. Eye contact indicates to other people that you are paying attention to them and are self-assured. Use confident body language to ace a job interview or when interacting with your crush. Crossed arms can indicate confidence or perseverance, but because they can also suggest anger or arrogance, fold your arms with discretion. During high-anxiety situations, keep your hands busy with other activities—such as notetaking, during an interview—so that you don't fidget.
Make a good first impression by giving a firm handshake. You’ve probably heard that you can tell a lot about a person by their handshake, and that’s true. A firm—but not too firm—handshake shows that you are self-assured and capable. Too firm, and you may come off over-eager or un-self-aware. Initiate the handshake: this will make you appear confident and friendly. While you want your grip to be firm, don't exceed the firmness of the other person's grip.
Smile to appear easygoing and friendly. Smiling not only indicates to others that we are relaxed and having a good time; it also tricks our own minds into relaxing and feeling happier! But make sure your smile is genuine: fake smiles are fairly easy to identify. Real smiles engage the whole face, while fake smiles only engage the mouth.
Mirror other people's body language to show you're invested. Whether you're on a first date with someone you like or you're in a conversation with a coworker, show the other person you’re interested in what they’re saying by mirroring their body language. Mirroring is a subconscious way to indicate you are paying attention to someone. Keep your body facing theirs. Toes pointed at your date suggest you are interested in them, while feet pointed away suggest you’re ready to take off.
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