To heat milk for a recipe or for child/adult consumption, use a small stovetop pot. There are proper milk saucepans that you can purchase if you wish.
Heat low. If milk gets too hot, it bubbles over before you even know it has happened. Use a high heat and keep your eye on it.
Heat slow. Exercise patience. Ignore the temptation to raise the heat to cook it faster. Stir it continuously to avoid solids sticking to the bottom and burning.
Test the temperature. Make sure it's warm, but not so hot it will burn your mouth. Use a teaspoon to collect some milk from the pot, hold your wrist over the spoon to check the temperature, and if it isn't ridiculously hot, give it a taste.
To heat milk for infant consumption, put the milk in a sterile bottle. Heat the bottle in a pot of water, the microwave (if the bottle is microwave safe), or in a bottle warmer.
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