Starting with a Stick Figure
Draw a stick figure.
Draw pipes and circles to represent volume to the muscles based on your stick figure.
Lightly sketch the design of superman’s costume over your drawing. Take note on the details such as his hairstyle, logo on his chest, belt, the design of his boots and his cape.
Now add details on his face, the hands and logo on the chest.
Finalize your line art and erase unnecessary lines.
Color your drawing.
Starting with the Head
On the center of your paper lightly draw the outline of the face.
Draw a large oblong to represent the chest and two circles on opposite sides for the shoulders.
On the right shoulder add the outline of the right arm using two oblongs for the arm and forearm, a circle for the fist.
Lightly sketch the details of superman’s costume.
Add facial features and the details for the hand.
Finalize your line art and erase unnecessary lines.
Color your drawing.
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