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Getting Your Scores Online
Check online to see when scores for your region will be released. Visit the College Board website to get the official release dates. Usually the earliest they’ll be released is July 5th and the last date is July 9th, depending on how the calendar falls. You can check online at https://apscore.collegeboard.org/scores/ every spring to find out the specific release dates for that year. Canada, US territories, and international students get their scores on the last date, usually.
Create or login to your College Board account to view your scores. Register for an account at https://apscore.collegeboard.org/scores/#m=signin-form&scores, if you don’t already have an account. Make sure to write down your username and password in a safe place. If you are under 13, you won’t be able to create a College Board account and your scores will be sent to you directly from the AP program. Scores are no longer mailed (unless you are under 13), so you have to access them via the internet.
Enter your AP number in your account to access your scores. When you register your account, you will need to enter in the 8-digit number that appears beneath the barcode labels in your student pack. This number links your account to your test scores and is required for you to access them. Every year that you take an AP test, you receive a different AP number. So if you checked your scores last year, make sure to update your AP number so you can get your new scores this year.
Save a copy of your report by downloading the results in PDF format. When viewing your scores on the College Board site, click on “Download Score Report.” This will give you an unofficial copy of your scores, so you won’t be able to use it to send to colleges, but you can keep it in your records to refer to. You’ll need to have the most recent version of Adobe Acrobat Reader installed in order to view and save your scores in PDF format.
Troubleshoot problems by calling AP services at 888-225-5427. Use this number if you’re having trouble accessing your account, if you don’t receive an email after requesting a password change, or if you cannot locate your AP number. You can also call 212-632-1780 as an alternate number.
Sending Your Scores to Colleges and Universities
Check your online profile to see where you already sent your scores. When you took the test, you had the option to send 1 score for free and to send scores to additional colleges for a fee. From your score report, select “Your Past Score Orders” to view your history. If you haven’t taken any new AP tests since the last time your scores were sent to an institution, you don’t need to send them again, even if a few years have passed.
Send your scores to 1 college for free. If you didn’t bubble in an institution for your scores to be sent to when you took the test, then you still get to send your scores for free to 1 location. Log in to your College Board account to complete the order form for your score report. If you are a graduating senior and need to send your scores ASAP, check the deadlines at the colleges you’re applying to to double-check how long you have to get your scores to them.
Send additional scores by paying $15 for each additional report. If you want to send your scores to multiple institutions, you can do so for just $15 per report. Delivery of your scores generally takes about 7-14 business days, and you can pay online with a credit or debit card. If you need to rush the delivery of your score report, the cost will be $25 per report, and the delivery time will take 5-9 business days.
Mail or fax a request to send your reports if you can’t do it online. If for some reason you can’t use the online report ordering system, you can send a letter via mail or fax to the College Board instead. You still have to pay the $15 per report or $25 for a rushed report. Include the following in your letter: Name, mailing address, phone number, sex, birth date, AP number, and social security number. Name and address of the school you currently attend. Full name of the exam you need reports sent for. A credit card number with the expiration date (if you are sending a fax), or a check or money order made payable to AP Exams (if you’re sending a letter). Name, city, state, and 4-digit college code of the institution to which you want to send your report. A signature from your parent or guardian. Please visit https://apscore.collegeboard.org/scores/score-reporting to review these guidelines and read additional information about requesting your scores via fax or mail.
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