Access your inventory and choose the type of material that you want to make your house out of. Starting with cobblestone, wood blocks and wood planks are a good starting point. You can redo it later after you settle in.
Find a reasonably flat area of 30 by 25. You can vary the size depending on how big or small your house is going to be. Fill the perimeter in with fences.
Build a shape of your choosing and an at least 3-4 block high house, without filling in the inside. Avoid having a house in completely one shape. Add small attachments to add variety to your house, not large ones, you don't want to shoot yourself in the foot later for when you have to add the roof. Attach a roof to the top blocks. This will be your house.
Create another version of what you just did on top of your old house. This is your upper floor.
Attach the balcony to your upper floor and hang it off the side. Put fences around it to stop yourself from falling.
Furnish your house with things like beds, chests, crafting tables, and furnaces. For extra flair have potted plants, paintings, tables, chairs, or even couches or TVs!
Include a large area between the perimeter fence and your house. This isn't necessarily a garden, but it can be if you want one. Make sure that mobs cannot get throughout the fence.
For extra safety, cover your area in redstone traps and hoppers to chests underground that you can collect later. In the morning, you can collect resources left by dead mobs. For trap ideas, visit websites like YouTube or find articles on WikiHow.
Invite friends and have a party! You have just finished your Minecraft safe house.
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