Dating App Icons: Tinder, Bumble, Hinge & More
Dating App Icons: Tinder, Bumble, Hinge & More
Are you worried that your partner is secretly using a dating app? While a single app icon isn’t ironclad evidence of an unfaithful partner, it can help you start to meaningfully reflect on (and eventually discuss) the state of your current relationship. We’re here to help you identify some app symbols that could be potential red flags, along with other warning signs to be on the lookout for. We’ll even touch on the best way to have that difficult conversation with your partner, so you can both be on the same page.
Common Dating App Notification Symbols

Dating App Notification Symbols

Tinder On iOS, the Tinder notification symbol is a white flame on top of a pink-coral background. On Android, the Tinder notification may appear as a grayed-out flame symbol.

Bumble On iOS, Bumble’s symbol is a set of 4 black horizontal lines on a gold backdrop. On Android, Bumble’s symbol is 3 gold horizontal lines in a white hexagon on a gold background. Some versions of the symbol may have a black hexagon rather than a white one. Bumble also offers a “Bumble For Friends” app, which is geared toward creating friendships rather than relationships. On both iOS and Android, this app’s icon is a black hexagon with 3 gold horizontal lines inside set over a gold backdrop.

PlentyofFish On both iOS and Android, the POF symbol is a capital black “P” on a salmon-pink background, with an outline of a fish within the loop of the “P.”

Badoo On both iOS and Android, the app’s symbol is the word “badoo” in red text on a lavender backdrop. Older versions of the app feature a smiling, light purple heart on a darker purple backdrop.

Grindr On both iOS and Android, Grindr’s main symbol features a yellow mask with 2 distinct eyeholes over a black background. Grindr allows users to change how the icon appears on their device. On Android specifically, the app can be camouflaged as a camera, music, notes, calculator, or to-do app.

OkCupid On iOS, the OkCupid notification symbol features the word “ok” outlined in white over a bright pink background. On Android, the symbol may appear as a grayed-out icon of the word “ok.”

Coffee Meets Bagel The current Coffee Meets Bagel icon is a “C” and “B” connected with a small heart on a purple backdrop. On Android, the notification symbol may be a gray circle with a white heart in the center.

Hinge Hinge’s primary symbol is a capital “H” with the horizontal line sticking out along the right side. On an Android, you might just see a grayed-out symbol of the “H” by the notification.

Boo Boo’s main symbol is a smiling white ghost on a teal backdrop. On Android, you might see a blacked-out version of the ghost symbol.

Signs Your Partner Is Cheating

They seem protective of their phone and devices. Being a relationship doesn’t mean that you should have free rein of your partner’s devices—but it also doesn’t mean they should be super secretive about their phone and computer activity. If your partner seems to lock down their devices whenever you walk by, there could be something deeper at play. Keep in mind: Any healthy relationship requires a healthy sense of boundaries, including phones, laptops, and other tech devices. In any relationship, both you and your partner are entitled to (and should) have personal space away from one another.

They get texts at weird times. Does your partner seem to get messages really late at night, or at other points in the day when they don’t normally receive messages? Strange, out-of-the-blue communication could be a sign of digital infidelity. Keep in mind: Communication isn’t always predictable, and there are plenty of reasons a person could get a message late at night (e.g., a loved one is having a personal crisis, a friend wants to play video games, etc.). It’s important to consider the full picture before jumping to any conclusions.

Their schedule seems wonky. You notice that your partner adjusts their usual schedule without a satisfactory explanation. Maybe they’re suddenly spending the week on a business trip (despite never doing so before), or they blame their delays and absences on excuses like car problems or something similar. If their schedule doesn’t seem to add up, infidelity could be at play. Keep in mind: Life is incredibly strange and unpredictable—car problems can spring up out of nowhere, and your partner might genuinely need to work late to finish up some assignments.

They’re hard to get in touch with sometimes. At some points of the day, your partner seems to be totally off the grid (during a time when they’d normally be reachable). Spending time with a new partner could be a possible reason they’re hard to get in touch with. Keep in mind: Don’t automatically assume the worst if you can’t get in touch with someone right away. There are plenty of reasons a person might not reply right away (e.g., driving, getting stuck in a meeting, etc.).

They start taking better care of their appearance. Compare your partner’s typical sense of fashion and grooming to how they’re dressing and presenting themselves now. Do they seem to put a lot of extra effort into looking good, like trying out a new perfume/cologne or getting a new haircut? These could be signs that your partner is cleaning up on behalf of someone else. Keep in mind: There are different reasons a person might start focusing on their appearance, and an affair isn’t necessarily one of them. Maybe they’re putting in a little initiative to get noticed for a promotion at work, or they just feel like changing things up. You never know!

Your sex life seems a lot different. A cheating partner can impact the sexual elements of a relationship in several ways. In some cases, your sex life might take a serious nosedive; in other cases, your partner might want to try new, unconventional things in the bedroom. These types of changes can definitely be signs of infidelity within a relationship. Keep in mind: Plenty of factors can influence a couple’s sex life besides infidelity. What matters most is having open and honest communication with your partner about how (and how frequently) you’d like to be intimate.

What to Do If You Suspect Your Partner Is Cheating

Find a safe, private place to discuss your concerns. Serious discussions about topics like infidelity deserve privacy. Try to find time when you’re both at home to discuss potential cheating concerns, rather than in a public place. Even if you’re frustrated and upset with your partner, you both deserve to discuss your thoughts and feelings in a safe place.

Share your concerns using I-statements. “I” statements allow you to express your feelings in an honest way without casting blame on another person. Rather than launching the conversation with a statement/question like “I think you’re cheating on me” or “How could you do this to me,” say something like: “I felt surprised and confused when I saw a Tinder notification pop up on your phone screen the other night.” “I feel deceived and misled when I see an OkCupid notification on your tablet, because I’m worried about the health of our current relationship. I would like an explanation as to why you’re receiving notifications from dating apps.” “When you spend a lot of time on your phone, I feel hurt and concerned that my own company isn’t enough for you.”

Request that your partner is completely honest with you. For the time being, don’t worry about mincing details. Ask your partner to tell you the whole truth, no matter how painful it may be to hear. As your partner shares and opens up, do your best not to interrupt (even if you’re understandably upset). Your partner deserves a chance to share their perspective without being cut off.

Try not to toss blame around during the conversation. As challenging as it may be, try not to belittle your partner with mean nicknames, or to immediately cast blame on the affair and/or the state of your relationship. This conversation should be focused on airing out the truth, not playing judge and jury for your relationship.

Figure out the best way to move forward in your relationship. If your partner does confess to being unfaithful, you both need to take some time to decide what you both want for the relationship. Is reconciliation an option, or would you rather go your separate ways? These are big choices to make, so don’t feel like you have to make an instantaneous decision. Relationship counseling is a potential option if you both are committed to working things out. If it turns out that your partner wasn’t cheating, your relationship likely needs a little TLC if cheating was a serious concern. Now is as good a time as any to figure out how to move forward.

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