India should look ahead at Olympics, not back at Hockey World League bronze: Moritz Fuerste
India should look ahead at Olympics, not back at Hockey World League bronze: Moritz Fuerste
One-year absence and a fresh auction following the end of three-year contract didn't do any damage to the German wizard's reputation; in fact, it got better, with more money in the bank.

New Delhi: What 60 minutes of hockey and 6-7 km of running every match can't do, a flight from one continent to the other can. A jet-lagged Moritz Fuerste's heavy eyes were looking at the first opportunity to slip out of that hall and hang the 'do not disturb' sign outside his hotel room.

It had just been an hour that the German wizard landed into Delhi on Wednesday, when he was escorted to the Hockey India League's (HIL) press conference, perhaps straight from the airport and into the playing kit of Kalinga Lancers' team, sitting alongside five other captains of the league.

"I just arrived today, just an hour before the press conference, really tired and need to rest." That was the first sentence he exchanged with IBNLive at the sidelines of the event here, confirming his tired looks.

Fuerste has never had an HIL home out of Ranchi - guiding the now-defunct Ranchi Rhinos to the top of the podium in 2013 and third place in 2014, before skipping Season 3 where the 'Rhinos' turned into 'Rays'.

One-year absence and a fresh auction following the end of three-year contract didn't do any damage to the German wizard's reputation; in fact, it got better, with more money in the bank.

Fuerste became the 'Breaking News of the Auction' in September last year - becoming the first to breach the $100,000 barrier, before being finally lapped up by the Lancers for $105,000.

"Of course, I am really excited to play for Kalinga Lancers this year. It's a new team, new players, new team-mates. I am really looking forward to building a team with all the guys together, and hopefully perform well in the end," he said about his move to the team from Odisha.

Winner of two consecutive Olympic gold, 2008 and 2012, Fuerste is perhaps the best man to prod and ask: What does it take for a team to win big tournaments?

"The most important factor is you become a team as soon as possible, and that's only possible if everyone does his part in it. I really hope everyone knows that [at Kalinga Lancers] and is trying to do it."

That was the perfect time to insert a question on India, and in the Olympic year, it had to be about the Games in Rio this August.

India ended 2015 on a high, winning their first medal at a big event in more than three decades. But Fuerste's opinion on that was strikingly different and typically European.

"I never look back. I don't care about what happened in the past, not even in the recent past. So bronze medal in the World League for me doesn't count anything now. It counted something two months ago, but today, it's not worth anything towards the Olympics because this is a whole new year.

"We have 10 more months. In Rio, there will be quarter-finals, and I think India will make it to that stage. They have to perform well on that particular day, and then they will have two shots for a medal," the German midfielder reckoned.

Sardar came into his own at the Raipur HWL Final after a rather ordinary year. That lifted India in the knockouts of the tournaments to end up on the podium. Fuerste, too, gave a thumbs-up to the Indian midfield.

"They have really strong midfield players, playing the European style, more passing game than the running game. They are benefiting from the their midfield play, definitely," he said.

By now, the 2006 World Cup winner and 2012 FIH Player of the Year was searching for that 'Thank you' to make a quick exit. And it was time to get the closing comment.

Will Germany complete a hat-trick of Olympic gold medals?

"Four spots for the semi-final, obviously we are also trying to win our quarter-final. But with this new system, it's all about the quarter-finals first."

And the handshake followed.

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