The Telangana State Council for Higher Education (TSCHE) and Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad will be issuing TS EAMCET 2020 hall tickets uploaded on eacmet.tsche.ac.in. Once the admit card is issued, candidates will be able to download it with the help of their login credentials. Earlier, the hall ticket number was supposed to be released today (June 30). The Telangana State Engineering, Agriculture and Medical (Pharmacy, Veterinary etc.) Common Entrance Test-2020 (TS EAMCET-2020) is organised by Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad.
The TS EAMCET entrance examination will be conducted from July 6 to 9. The entrance examination is conducted every year for those who seek admission in Engineering, Agriculture & Medical (Pharmacy, Veterinary and others) colleges in the state.
[hq]TS EAMCET 2020 hall ticket: When and Where to download[/hq]
[hans][hstep]Step 1: On the search bar, type the name of the official website[/hstep]
[hstep]Step 2: Under latest announcement, click on Download TS EAMCET 2020 hall ticket[/hstep]
[hstep]Step 3: Now, you will be redirected to a new page[/hstep]
[hstep]Step 4: Enter basic information[/hstep]
[hstep]Step 5: Download hall ticket or admit card[/hstep]
Candidates should check all the details mentioned on their admission ticket. The admit card carries information like name, father’s name, address, course name, examination centre, reporting time among others. Candidates should read all the instructions mentioned in the admit card and take a printout of the same.
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