The Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission (JKPSC) issued the provisional answer key for the Medical Officer (Allopathic) position within the Health and Medical Education Department on March 17. Applicants can check the provisional answer key via the official website at jkpsc.nic.in. Candidates are required to submit any suggestions they may have by March 20.
The commission will not entertain any such representations after the expiry of the stipulated period. Each suggestion should be accompanied by a fee of Rs 500 per suggestion, payable via a Demand Draft drawn in favour of CEO, J&K PSC. This fee is refundable in the event of a genuine or correct representation. Suggestions should be sent to the Controller of Examinations at the Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission.
Notably, candidates are reminded to specify the question(s) they object to, citing the serial number as listed in the Question Booklet of Series A of the provisional answer key. Any objection or application that is not accompanied by the requisite Demand Draft of Rs 500, as prescribed, will not be considered or entertained under any circumstances. Candidates are strongly advised, in their own interest, to adhere to these instructions and ensure that they do not submit any objection unaccompanied by the Demand Draft as required under existing rules.
JKPSC MO Provisional Answer Key: Steps to Check
Step 1: Open the official website of JKPSC: jkpsc.nic.in.
Step 2: On the homepage, find and click on the section titled “Conduct of Written Test for the posts of Medical Officer (Allopathic) in Health and Medical Education Department – Provisional Answer Key thereof.”
Step 3: A PDF document containing the provisional answer key will be displayed on the screen.
Step 4: Check and take a printout for future reference.
A total of 180 vacancies are available for JKPSC Medical Officer Recruitment 2024. Candidates need to complete all selection process stages and meet prerequisites to progress further in the process. The JKPSC organised the written examination for Medical Officer (Allopathic) positions on March 17.
In addition to the Medical Officer (Allopathic) position, the commission has also released the provisional answer keys for the posts of Deputy Medical Superintendent in Government Medical College Jammu and Government Medical College in Srinagar.
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