Karnataka: Tomato Prices in Red, Reach Rs 100 Per Kg in Bengaluru Markets | Here's Why
Karnataka: Tomato Prices in Red, Reach Rs 100 Per Kg in Bengaluru Markets | Here's Why
Due to the monsoon deficit, the standing tomato crops of many farmers in Karnataka dried up, leading to a poor harvest of just around 30 per cent of the usual production

Due to delayed monsoons and a deficit of rain this season, the prices of vegetables, especially tomatoes, have skyrocketed in Karnataka’s Bengaluru. As per media reports, prices of tomatoes crossed Rs 100 per kg in Bengaluru markets due to a shortage in supply.

As per a report by The Hindu, at Kolar wholesale APMC market in Karnataka, a 15 kg crate of tomatoes was being sold for Rs 1,100 this weekend. The prices of tomatoes in Bengaluru are expected to go higher in the coming days.

The sudden jump in tomato prices, which were being sold for Rs 3-5 per kg in May, has added to the inflation woes of common people.

“Earlier, the price of Tomato was Rs 30 per kg, after that I bought it for Rs 50 per kg and now it has become Rs 100. Price is going to go up further and we’re helpless, we have to buy,” said Suraj Gaur, a resident of Bengaluru told the news agency ANI.

The sudden increase in vegetable prices is reportedly due to high temperatures, low production and delayed rainfall in most parts of the country

Several tomato farmers have shifted to beans after their price reached sky-high last year leading to a deficit in the sowing of crops in the previous year. , The Hindu Report quoted Anji Reddy, a tomato farmer as saying.

Reddy further informed that further due to the monsoon deficit, the standing tomato crops of many farmers in Karnataka dried up, leading to a poor harvest of just around 30 per cent of the usual production.

Moreover, due to a shortage of crops in Maharastra as well, buyers from Eastern states like West Bengal & Odisha are queueing in Karnataka markets to buy tomatoes.

The prices of tomatoes are also soring up in Delhi, Tamil Nadu and other parts of the country due to the disruption of the supply chain following heavy rains.

“Tomato is being sold at a price of Rs 80 Kg. The rate has suddenly shot up in the past two-three days. This sudden increase in price is due to heavy rainfall. Rain has destroyed tomatoes,” said Mohammad Raju, a resident of Delhi.

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