Renault Callie Autonomous Car Prototype Matches Professional Driver at Obstacle Test [Video]
Renault Callie Autonomous Car Prototype Matches Professional Driver at Obstacle Test [Video]
Developed at the Renault Open Innovation Lab in Silicon Valley, this autonomous control system is capable of managing all kinds of unexpected situations.

Groupe Renault has presented its latest test car, Callie, the first to be equipped with a new autonomous control system capable of detecting approaching obstacles and avoiding them automatically -- and with as much skill as the professional test drivers working for the brand.

Developed at the Renault Open Innovation Lab in Silicon Valley, this autonomous control system is capable of managing all kinds of unexpected situations. A first video shared by the carmaker shows the vehicle maneuvering to avoid an obstacle, in a fashion directly inspired by the firm's test drivers.

This new system complements the various advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) and vehicle safety systems already developed by Renault teams. The French carmaker aims to be able to integrate the system into future production models soon. In fact, the brand's schedule anticipates no less than 15 new models equipped with different levels and capabilities of autonomous driving by 2022.

With this new demonstration, Renault shows its ambition to become one of the leading carmakers in the field of Level Four ("mind-off") autonomous driving technology. Level Four allows for completely autonomous driving in certain circumstances, but with the possibility of calling upon human assistance at any time.

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